immoImmunology Department

The Children Hospital & the Institute of Child Health,
Ferozepur Road, Lahore.

Dr.Farhana ShehzadAssistant Professor

Immunology Department was established since inception of this hospital in 1995. The Department is offering full range of services and equipped with highly sophisticated state of art equipment.

Facilities: (Services being offered are )

Routine Tests:

    • ANA
    • ASOT
    • R.A.Factor
    • CRP
    • Widal Test
    • HBsAg (Screening)
    • HCV (Screening)
    • Complement C 3 Level
    • Complement C 4 Level
    • Immunoglobulin Level IgA (Immunoturbid)
    • Immunoglobulin Level IgG (Immunoturbid)
    • Immunoglobulin Level IgM (Immunoturbid)

Elisa Tests:

    • Anti HAV IgM
    • HBsAg
    • Anti HCV
    • Anti Ds DNA
    • Serum IgE Level
    • Typhidot IgG
    • Typhidot IgM
    • Dengue IgG
    • Dengue IgM
    • Mycodot IgG
    • Mycodot IgM

TORCH Profile

    • Toxo IgG
    • Toxo IgM
    • Rubella IgG
    • Rubella IgM
    • CMV IgG
    • CMV IgM
    • HSV IgG
    • HSV IgM
    • Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgA
    • Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgG
    • ANA Elisa

Auto Immuno Panel:

  • AMA
  • ASMA
  • Anti LKM
  • 17-Hydroxy Progesterone Level

Progress over the Years / Work Load:

  • ? Over the year’s workload have increased tremendously.
  • ? Workload has been increased almost more than double for the last 6 years.
  • ? Immunology Workload 2011Both (Routine abd Elisa)
  • 63657 Tests

Teaching, Training and Academics:

  • Teaching and Training of BSc. Medical Laboratory Technology.
  • National Immunology Conference, Workshop, Seminar and Symposium arranged at CH & ICH, Lahore.
  • Participation in Clinic Pathological Conference of Hospital.
  • Participation in monthly PSH meeting.
  • Paper and poster presentation in National and Local Conference.
Future Plans for Immunology Section:

1. Now a day’s automation has replaced manual Lab work for all sorts of assays like Immunoglobulin, Complement C 3 and C 4, CRP and Hormonal Assay.

Following are the tests which can be start in future on Automation :

    1. 1. Alpha Feto Protein
    2. 2. PSA
    3. 3. CEA
    4. 4. ACTH
    5. 5. Cortisol
    6. 6. Estradil
    7. 7. F T 3
    8. 8. F T 4
    9. 9. TSH
    10. 10.
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    11. 11. FSH
    12. 12. GH
    13. 13. IGF -1
    14. 14. Testosterone

On Elisa

  1. Vitamin D 3>
  2. Dengue NSI Ag

On Immunoflourecent microscope.

  1. 1. ANA Test
  2. 2. Auto-Immune Screening
  3. 3. Auto Immune Panel
    1. SAMA
    2. AMA
Research & Publications:

In Immunology department three MLT students have been done their research projects on various topics. Now currently seven students of MLT 4th year are doing their research in different fields of Immunology.
Two articles have been published in national and international journals.


Ph: 92-42-99230901-23, Ext. 4128

Fax: 92-42-99230358
