Accident and Emergency

Dr. Muhammad Nasir Rana – Head of Department

The University provides round the clock accident & emergency service for children who are referred from all over Pakistan. Most of the referred patients are in very critical condition and every effort is made to manage these patients swiftly and effectively.

Flow of Emergency:

  • Triage Area: Every patient who comes to the emergency is received at the emergency gate by a senior staff nurse. After triage, the patient is referred to the Causality Medical Officer (CMO) or if very sick, directly to the medical, surgical or neonatal emergency.
  • Registration: The registration desk is very conveniently located in front of the gate and every patient is registered in online registration system. Complete information including CNIC and mobile number of parents/guardian is entered into the online system.
  • Assessment Area: The Causality Medical Officer (CMO), who is trained resident to sort out the severity of problem, does initial assessment of each patient in the CMO room.
  • Medical Emergency: Room No. 23 is the main area for medical emergency reserved for sick patients. All patients who need immediate management and investigations are kept in this area.
  • Resuscitation Room: This room is reserved for resuscitation where the patients are manged who are received in critical/gasping condition and need immediate intubation.
  • Oral Rehydration Area: an area designated as room 21 is reserved for patients who need oral rehydration. here ors is provided from hospital to all such patients and mothers are advised to give them ors by spoons.
  • Diarrhea Section:  In Room 20 those patients who need  come severe dehydration and shock are treated. These patients need intravenous fluid therapy.
  • Medical Emergency Step-Down: A Step-Down area has been designated on the first floor of the emergency block to stabilize the patients for the next 24 hours. The patients would then be either discharged, shifted to ICUs, Medical Units or Specialty Wards.
  • Surgical Emergency:  In room No. 27 the staff of medical emergency initially receives all the patients with any surgical emergency. After resuscitation and stabilization of these patients, paediatric surgeons or surgical sub-specialities manage the patients accordingly.
  • Neonatal Emergency: All newborns whether sick or healthy report in neonatal emergency for checkup and admissions. After initial stabilization, all relevant investigations are made, then patients are shifted to neonatal emergency.
  • Referral Directorate: A paediatric Referral Directorate is established in the emergency area for the patients referred through Punjab Paediatric Referral System.


Support Facilities Emergency Patients:

  • Radiology and Imaging: Bed-side X-Ray and Ultrasound imaging is available with radiology residents who are present round the clock. A Paediatric Radiologist is also available on call and further imaging like CT Scan and MRI are available.
  • Blood Transfusion Section: All sorts of medicines are provided to the patients in emergency free of cost. It includes antibiotics, fluids, antidotes, anti-snake venom, anti-rabies vaccine, immunoglobulin, anti-tetanus serum and anti-diphtheria serum.

